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Showing posts from September, 2016

Long run from technology hell

Someone somewhere please help me to understand how this run was so bad... yet so important. The morning started off rough. Throat burning, nose processing steam.. i felt like a human dragon. It was more then obvious that my cold has yet to gone any where. I had to run. I only have so many days to train and this day is one of the most important... the long run. I've run longer but for this training these 3 miles meant a lot to me and couldn't be put off. "Up and at em"... I said to myself as I heard my 3 year old come barrelling around the corner coughing. Well here comes hiccup number 1, off to Walgreen's I go. I return with the liquid gold, stretched (while listening to my 8 year old tell some story), grabbed my arm band and head phones and headed out. Now I love my MiiKeys Wireless headphones! They were a running gift from me to me when I first started running. My last half marathon I used a different pair of headphones, but upon my return to running in Augu...

Selfish or Self serving?!?!

I didn't tell anybody.Well.. that's a lie, I told plenty of  people. I just kinda made sure not to tell people I thought might go, " Hey I'm signing up too. or Let's run together. " Is that mean? Well for those who may feel so understand my reasoning first. When the decision was made to do this race, not the talk about it moments but the moment I entered my debit card information and programed my Nike Plus running app, I had a need to prove something to myself.... does that sound selfish?!?  Wait wait wait hear me out a little more.  The last time I ran a half marathon was February 2016. My training partner, best friend, sister, (insert dancing  girl emoji) and I trained together every step of the way. I do mean every step, training, food schedule and types, stretching, water intake, sleep, pooing (Yes pooing!). We talked about everything and prepared well together. We pushed each other and helped each other and I tell everyone that asks me about that race...

13.1... Again

I've done it, i did it and well... I'm going to do it again....but better! 9 weeks.. 9 weeks is all i have this time around. No training partner to push me, no one but me this time around. 13.1 miles of me and some tunes and prayerfully great weather and a nice group. Lol! One can wish right.    After my first Half Marathon. Feb 2016 When it dawned  on me that the last time i truly pounded the pavement was way back in June I gasped in disbelief and said to myself... "CHANGE IT". That was early August and with only 3 runs in since i clearly didn't change much. Flash forward to mid September. I am active in my gym and by active I mean i make it in there about 4 times a week for a 30 minute session but even that is starting to slip, a Pepsi here and a cookie there and well I'm starting to feel the slug now.. smh!The saddest part is that I'm normally motivating others, and when they tried to motivate me i was less then open. (Sorry guys)  I don't...