Someone somewhere please help me to understand how this run was so bad... yet so important. The morning started off rough. Throat burning, nose processing steam.. i felt like a human dragon. It was more then obvious that my cold has yet to gone any where. I had to run. I only have so many days to train and this day is one of the most important... the long run. I've run longer but for this training these 3 miles meant a lot to me and couldn't be put off. "Up and at em"... I said to myself as I heard my 3 year old come barrelling around the corner coughing. Well here comes hiccup number 1, off to Walgreen's I go. I return with the liquid gold, stretched (while listening to my 8 year old tell some story), grabbed my arm band and head phones and headed out. Now I love my MiiKeys Wireless headphones! They were a running gift from me to me when I first started running. My last half marathon I used a different pair of headphones, but upon my return to running in Augu...
I run, I run a lot and I live even more. HerbNRun is the start to something bigger. One runners journey to help herself and others. I run, you run so.. R are U you N in?