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Showing posts from December, 2016

Let's talk about RVA baby!! Sorry so late...

I've procrastinated long enough. I would love to tell you that I've been resting since Saturday's 13.1 mile adventure through Richmond Virginia but that would be a lie! With a lack of soreness, first time ever, I've been plotting not only on my next race but joining groups to drop so fluff and have already worked out and ran! Lookie there lookie body really is stronger!! Hey now that alone is something to be proud of . A HUGE change since being passed on the kitchen floor aye lol. Fri-YAY: Expo Day I have to admit that the joy I was feeling when I woke up knowing that I did not have to work, for that to be further exaggerated by the idea that at 11 am I was going to experience my first EXPO!! Yea I'm sure avid runners are laughing at me, the novices smirking at my ridiculousness.. but new runners.. ya better feel me.   With the littles off to school, I willed myself to get out and get my last run done. Up and out Nike+ called for a 1.75 mile r...