They say that marathon training is not just a training of the body; It's a deep training of the mind. This weeks training has truly helped to open up and expand my mind. I am blooming as a runner but more so as a human being. Monday: July 3rd So it's the day before the holiday and like many Americans I too am tied to my desk.. yay! I am thankful for my job and thankful for the day off tomorrow so not too much whining over here! This day became a defaulted rest day. After all the miles I did yesterday at MTT followed by 10 hours at work and then going home and grilled for 8. Tuesday: It's the holiday. What does that mean.. go running dah lol! It was sooooooo humid out which makes for a slow run. The hardest part of the run was the uncontrollable burning sensation between my thighs. It is HIGHLY suggested that when putting on your glide you do not rush. It will leave streaks in which your thighs may slap together causin...
I run, I run a lot and I live even more. HerbNRun is the start to something bigger. One runners journey to help herself and others. I run, you run so.. R are U you N in?