Wednesday morning, less than excited I woke from my slumber. Inundated with worry and concern from the state I had left my country in the night prior, I opened my eyes as I saw Facebook and ABC News share the news. You all know what it was so need to stress that, Election 2016 will always stand out in history, to me. Needless to say I wasn't in the mood to deal with office chit chat and debates as to what went terribly wrong or right or however you think. So I made the decision to be HAPPY! To me happy includes running. So I took the joys I felt on Monday. Took those feels of others living out their dreams and honed in on my own peace of running joy to come... The American Family Fitness Half Marathon, my shot at running Richmond.I picked up my phone called out for the day, turned to my husband and asked him if he was up for a run around Richmond. Of course he was down! The plan has always been the same since the thought hit me almost 6 weeks ago. Get out to Richmond, figure out...
I run, I run a lot and I live even more. HerbNRun is the start to something bigger. One runners journey to help herself and others. I run, you run so.. R are U you N in?