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Wednesday morning, less than excited I woke from my slumber. Inundated with worry and concern from the state I had left my country in the night prior, I opened my eyes as I saw Facebook and ABC News share the news. You all know what it was so need to stress that, Election 2016 will always stand out in history, to me. Needless to say I wasn't in the mood to deal with office chit chat and debates as to what went terribly wrong or right or however you think. So I made the decision to be HAPPY! To me happy includes running.  So I took the joys I felt on Monday. Took those feels of others living out their dreams and honed in on my own peace of running joy to come... The American Family Fitness Half Marathon, my shot at running Richmond.I picked up my phone called out for the day, turned to my husband and asked him if he was up for a run around Richmond. Of course he was down!

The plan has always been the same since the thought hit me almost 6 weeks ago. Get out to Richmond, figure out where I would like to park for the race. Of course find a backup or 2 or 3.  Then travel to Bryan Park and run the loop! Simple. We got in the car and took the 38 minute drive to Richmond. It was drizzling out but that couldn't damper the joy I was starting to feel. I swear, there is something about major cities; I can feel the energy of the city. It always brings about a  small excitement. Maybe it's the excitement I used to feel when my mom and I traveled to the Bronx as a child to visit  my grandma. To be something so small in a city so big, filled with so much. Either way this comforted me and excited me all the same.

GPS or Gypsy as I like to call her kept yelling at me to take 195 to get there. Where? Well,  I had chosen 8th and Cary St to be my center point of finding a spot to park my car. The start line was at 8th and Broad and the finish line was at 5th and Tredegar.  My research/ extensive blog reading had warned me about backed up highways leading onto Broad St as well as not having cash for parking. I knew Richmond well enough not to bank on parking along the street or for free for that matter. I found several garages on 8th and located the name of a few restaurants just incase I can't drive the route I planned. BAM! Parking handled.. Now the fun part!!

We switched the address to Bryan Park in the Gypsy and took off to that side of town. After a couple of "make a u turns" and Gypsy trying to send us on the highway when we were next to the park, we realized the issue, well my husband did,  and finally found the park. Oh the feels really hit me then. I was so excited I got out the car with my sweatpants on and had to walk back to take them off lol! First oops of the run... Prepare for more.

I now know the importance of map reading. Although I have looked it over several times the loop at Bryan Park was all knew to me. We tried really hard to figure it out and really thought we did. Based on the course map runners enter the park from Hermitage road and run the loop from there. We found Hermitage road, went to what we looked like made the most sense and started our run.

My husband is an athlete but just like me a few years ago he doesn't do long distance so he was the perfect choice.  Off we went up a hill, down a hill around the corner and it hits me that there is no way that what I can see is the whole course. I look over at my husband as Nike advises me my time for .50 miles... "ummmmmmmm honey, I think I messed up" I say.  His face was so priceless ... " DAH", he didnt say it but i saw it on his face! We hooked a right up a hill and found way more park! As we were running and I was admiring the wood trails and signs of the trails they have throughout the park I noticed a sign but I could not read it as we were approaching it from the back side. As we ran by I glanced back to see the words" Richmond Marathon Race Course. " Oops number 2!  I tapped my husband and gestured back. We continued our run as he pointed down to a smile face of the ground. We took a left and kept going to a fork in the road and I asked him if we could go back.  Partially because I wanted a picture, as well as I wanted to see if I missed anything else and more so to feel the course going in the right direction. This is the part of the course many have claimed to be the hardest. They have complained about the eerie feel, the rolling hills and even the lack of people. I wanted to be joyful on this course so I could remember the joy when I was at the 10k mark tired and cold lol.

Being the supportive husband he is he said yes. We drank some water and we set off again.. this time the right way. We came back up to the sign and of course I got my picture.
See my loving hubbie back there! 

I saw the mark for the 10k which really made me smile! I love 10ks and I now knew where I would be at during the halfway mark of this race. I made that spot my happy place and kicked it up a little. We finished up the loop and headed back towards the car, down the hill we had ran up earlier to find all this greatness. Got to the car, stretched, drank some water and started plotting on lunch. On our ride back I took a look at my Nike+ App like I always do. Checked my splits and elevation changes; it's a great way of knowing what you really did. Posted to my Nike wall, created my post for Instagram and then something said look at the course map... oops number 3 

Welp, that wasn't suppose to happen. It didnt steal any of my joy it just made me realize that I slacked on planning properly and this is what happens... "The 12 P's" I slipped. Thankfully there was no pain gained here lol at least not yet. I know it won't make or break my half this Saturday and I am glad I got to experience part of it anyways.

I had traded out a speed work for this 5k but I am thankful I did. As I still wasn't up to watching the news I continued avoiding it and preparing myself. I have created a new playlist and placed the songs places to promote the right pace and state of mind. I was so zoned out and focused. I wrote it all out and as I sat there I realized I hadn't been this passionate about running since high school. Watching video to perfect my craft, focusing on being better. I love this feeling, the feeling of nurturing a goal and then conquering it!
My husband caught me deep in thought. 

 Today is my last day of work! Long weekend here I come! I am so looking forward to the expo on Friday then race day Saturday!

Where I keep my thoughts.

With all the joys of the next two days I'm not sure when i will get back on here... but when i do it will be great... til then keep up with me on IG @HerbNRun


The People's Choice:

Kill Gym Funk with Vinegar!

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Ukrop's Monument 10k Recap

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