A friend asked me to write her an email about my half experience and this is what I wrote:
So let’s start with all the nerves that bubbled up in my
stomach lol! You know I’ve run a half marathon before, 13.1 miles of torture
and mental strength, but I did it with my best friend and this time around I
was alone! IT WAS COLD! And I am not a fan of the cold so at 530 am I had to
readjust my entire outfit for the race, which of course brought more nerves and
uncertainty. Either way I got it together and headed out.
The race stated at 7am. Cold, dark and alone I head to the
start which had 100s of eager and less nervous runner. This started to release
some of the fears I had. When they called for runners to line up, the
excitement kicked in. I had a goal to beat the old me and that was what I was
going to do! I found comfort next to an older man, he reminded me of Carl. He
had on the same bright green shirt like me but had these words written on his
back,” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. “- Philippians
4: 13 This was the reminder I needed that no matter what happened
while I was out there. NO matter how fast or slow I went I could do this cause
God is in me and I can do anything I put my mind to! So I took off.. I never
did see that man again which made him feel more like an Angel to me.. silly
maybe but it helped. There were so many times I wanted to quit. I ran past
where one of my friends lived and thought about knocking on her door and
waiting for my husband to come get me. Thank God I didn’t. I pushed past those
emotions, locked my eyes on the girl in front of me and decided that she wasn’t
crossing that finish line without me, she would be my next "best friend". Mile 5
brought I huge surprise.. MY HUSBAND! He had been tracking me and was able to
get a few pic of me running. Then at mile 8 my kids were with him and they ran
alongside me…. But wait the best part was mile 11… I was dead! I wanted to walk
the rest of the way cause my legs were on fire. I prayed, I cried, I sang and
then I saw Averie, my 3 year old. He came flying down the road towards me,
throws his hands up for me to pick him up. I swear if I had the strength left I
would have picked him up, swung him around and kept going but that wasn’t
happening.. I just couldn’t. So I looked him in the eyes and said “ Boss
race me, ready set go!” Off he went racing back towards his dad and I picked up
my pace to keep up with him! Boy did he save me! He had the cops laughing and
cheering us on which was everything I needed to finish out strong! No more want
to quit now I just wanted to go home, which means I had to finish! At this
point my running app tells me that I have a projection of finishing the race in
2:26 minutes, OH NO I WON’T I said to myself, remember the goal was to
beat the old me. I pushed like I never pushed before.. I knew this time around
it would be the end! 2:23:53 seconds beat my last half marathon of 2:26:15.
Hills and all I did it!!!! Talk about a sense of pride.. you couldn’t tell I
was in pain when I crossed that finish line.. Both hands high in the sky and a
smile as big as the Cheshire Cat, I bowed my head Thanked God and was adorned
with metal! What an amazing feeling! To be done, to have accomplished yet
another goal and prove to myself I’m stronger and better than my yesterday!~
My grandma always said, “ Good. Better. Best. Never you rest, until your
good is better and your better is your best!” Be the best you can be every day
and in everything you do!!! Oh my best friend, she finished right in
front of me. She even came to tell me to tell my family thank you cause she
pretended they were there for her as well.. I laughed and Thanked her.. I let
her on a secret she helped me get across the line cause I refuse to let her out
of my sight!!! You never know the blessing you are or can be for others!
This race was so much more than just learning that my body could do this, I deep down already knew that. I learned that my family would never let me do anything alone. I learned that my husband would drive all over to assure my safety. I know that i never have to travel anywhere in life alone cause even when I couldn't see them I knew they were thinking of me. Beyond my family I had God.
Without further ado here are race photos!!
Boss doesn't like to be told NO |
Finally he ran with me! |
My 3 year old Averie aka Boss |
My 8 year old Alijaha |
The pain of running and joy of seeing my family is all over my face |
That's my "best friend". She was thanking me for my family! |
Trump, Hillary and this guy.. This Guy wins every time!! LOL |
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