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Half Marathon Musical Selections

""I'm feeling stronger than yesterday.." sings over and over in my head. Never more than " I got stamina. Don't give up I won't give up, don't give up. No No No." "Back in the day when I was young," I fell in love with music. I mean, " Music makes you lose control. Music makes you lose control" and  I realized pretty early that no matter what I was feeling there was a song that did a better job than I could to explain how I truly felt. 

So when running music helps me through the hard times., it penetrates my soul as well as my sole and truly makes me move my feet!  I've explored different running stations on Spotify as well as Pandora's Running (Radio Mix) Radio, Rap Strength Training Radio and Pop and Hip- Hop Power Workout Radio. If I had to choose Pandora beats Spotify every time. I just like that its simple.Although I like Pandora I love my Nike running app and it and Pandora aren't really friends. However, with all the new changes to the Nike app it has made the linking up even easier with Apple Music. As I have Apple Music its made my life even easier and like I said I'm a girl that likes it simple.

Music, no matter the genre has never scared me. I love to "move to the rhythm of the beat"  and I love lyrics.. its the Gemini in me.With a total of 62 songs from a variety of genres, I've set myself up with  236 minutes of  motvation, (half) marathon murdering tunes also known as music (insert evil laugh).  Making sure that I have an abundance of choices leaves me with the ability to skip songs as I like. More importantly there are no commercials for too much skipping and that folks is what I call a WIN!!!

 Here's a look at my playlist:

My original 10k running list

Part of my 1st additions to the list

Some songs move me more than others and those you will see duplicated. Work starts my newest additions for the up coming half marathons.

Sia "The Greatest" Is one of my newest favs!!!

These songs are from my Pandora favs. Used for my 10k runs

 Reggae, hip- hop, pop, reggaeton,rap you name it and if it makes me want to work harder or shake my butt then I'm game for listening. Whats on your playlist?!? Do you create a new list for all your runs!?! Talk to me.. Let's link up.
Follow me here HerbNRun 


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